Metamask Not Showing Custom Tokens - Tokens Not Showing Up - Token Display - How to Fix Token Not Showing - Tokens Just Bought

Metamask Not Showing Custom Tokens - Tokens Not Showing Up - Token Display - How to Fix Token Not Showing - Tokens Just Bought 

If you just purchased some custom tokens and they are not showing in your Metamask Wallet, here are some steps to take to make them appear. Also, if you recently reinstalled the wallet on your device, some of the custom tokens will not show up immeditaly. Here is what you need to do to view all your tokens. Don't worry, they are not missing. They are simply not showing up in your wallet right now.


Step 1:

Go to or and find and copy the contract address

Step 2:

Click "Add Token"

Step 3: 

Past the contact address copied from Coingecko or Coinmarketcap

Step 4:

Make sure the Token Symbol appears, otherwise manually type it in

Step 5:

Type in 18 in the decimal places

Step 6:

Hit "Next"

Now the token should appear with your current balance.



Updated version of Metamask now allow for Automatic detection of custom tokens. Simply hit "refresh list" and then your custom token may show up in your account balance now. If this does not work, then follow the steps above to manually add the custom token.